We Deal With Problems of Living Environment Comprehensively
The motivation to establish the company and later the CELTIC NATURE Consortium was the ever increasing need for living environment protection and the resulting demand for clean water, health air, soil that produces healthy food and living environment free of toxic agents where we can live in harmony with the Nature.
The power and success of our consortium consist in the comprehensive approach towards solutions of global problems and integration of long year experience with exceptional know-how.
The consortium constitutes of six companies, which have technologies and know how in their manufacturing programmes that complement each other. The pillar of the whole programme is a research in the field of water and the application of the research results in practice. In many cases the results of the research enable to solve problems in other areas of our lives and stretch to completely different sectors of industry.
Solving the attitude towards quality water, cleaning water and saving water with closed water circulation is a primary goal. It concerns especially industry that in majority wastes significant volumes of this valuable substance.
We build “smart plant” type of waste water treatment plants. Our systems of water treatment to potable water quality belong to absolute world top.
We have reached unprecedented accomplishments in the field of water research for purposes of pharmacy, cosmetics, crystallography and most of all human health.
We know how to change the structure of water and we have revealed its phenomenal characteristics. We can change the structure of steal, metal alloys, ceramics, diamonds and liquids with the same technology.
Each part of the consortium is highly specialized; however as a whole we are able to solve almost every problem concerning water.